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What is the potential danger in Bible errors? The majority of humans do not engage in serious independent reflection and thought. Perhaps they have tried, and if no easy answers emerge, they quit. Some don't want their comfortable boat rocked, or are fearful of what they might come up with on their own. Besides, acceptance into society, or particularly a church, is not compatible with uncertainty. Unattached seekers are seen as immature, self willed, and even unintelligent. Society, and particularly many religions, are much more comfortable with those who share their strong beliefs, rather than those who are questioning and uncertain. So religions that strictly follow the Bible, even if it may contain errors, can indeed cause harm.

People buy readymade and prepackaged beliefs and join a club (church) containing others who have done the same. But not thinking—for whatever reason—cripples people and neutralizes their potential. Few religious people want to believe their Bible contains errors. Whether a person never really uses the mind in a critical way, or gives it up to another by adopting their belief, the waste of a human mind is a very tragic thing.  Blind Bible believing, given that Bible errors do exist, is very dangerous.